- Popular Bed & Breakfast Hotel In Dangriga, Belize
- Commercial Property, RetailSaleMahogany Street
- USD 500,000
Commercial Property
- Lodge in Dangriga, Belize for sale
- 1086000 sq ft
- Commercial Property, Leisure, Inn/LodgeSale19 Manderin StreetBelmopan
- USD 200,000
- Want a fully renovated hotel 3 mins to the beach?
- 98
- Commercial Property, Leisure, HotelSaleCalle de Carrillo, Carrillo, Guanacaste, Costa Rica
- USD 850,000
- French fusion restaurant just steps to the beach!
- Commercial Property, RetailSaleCalle de BCR, Guanacaste, Costa Rica
- USD 249,000
- Tropical luxury and income too!
- 55
- Commercial Property, Leisure, Inn/LodgeSaleGavilanes, Samara
- USD 995,000
- Seaside Residence in Villasimius, Sardinia
- 1125 sq m
- Commercial Property, Apartment ComplexSalevia stromboli, 4
- EUR 3,200,000
- Commercial structure sale or rent in Cagliari area
- 6000 sq m
- Commercial Property, Logistics propertySaleex ss131
- EUR 111,111,111,111
- Commercial structure sale or rent in the Cagliari
- 6000 sq m
- Commercial Property, Logistics propertyRentex SS131
- EUR 11,111,111,111
- Seaside Apartment in Carloforte, Sardinia
- 2282 sq m
- Commercial Property, Apartment ComplexSaleviale osservatorio astronomico, 61
- EUR 205,000
- Water Park, Pula Sardinia
- Commercial Property, LeisureSaless195
- EUR 3,800,000
- Home and income units close to various beaches !
- Commercial Property, Apartment ComplexSaleBuena Vista
- USD 695,000
- Gewerbefläche zur Umwandlung in Wohnraum
- 117 sq m
- Commercial Property, RetailSaleAvenida 25 de Abril, 31
- EUR 85,000
- Page of 1182