
EUR 105,000
  • 42125 кв м
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Property Reference AP42

This spacious apartment is located next to the high street of Lo Pagán and would make an excellent home or holiday rental.

The property boasts four large bedrooms, which 3 of them have built-in wardrobes.

The kitchen is large and has room for a small dining table. It also leads to the galeria, where are located the washing machine and hot water heater.

The lounge is sunny as it has windows on two walls and has access to the sunny terrace with nice views. Both of the bathrooms have bathtubs.

Within a short walking distance, you can find shops, restaurants, cafés, a supermarket, a pharmacy, and two beaches Villananitos and La Puntica

Lo Pagan is situated on the north shore of the Mar Menor and has merged with San Pedro del Pinatar to become one big town. Lo Pagan has a beautiful beach, promenade and small marina. During the summer months there is a lively funfair beside the marina which adds to the seaside atmosphere. Lo Pagan is most famous for its mud baths. These are free, which is great news if you have a large family to keep occupied. All ages can use the mud baths from 1 to 100, but only the truly hardy indulge during the winter months. The mud baths are located at the end of the beach and the start of the salinas walking and cycling route out to sea. Simply walk down the steps, cover yourself with the therapeutic mud, said to be good for all types of skin complaints, aches and pain, dry off in the sun, then re-enter the water to wash it all off!

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*          Long Term Rentals

*          Key holding services

*          Property Management & Maintenance

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